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Securi charges monthly for malware removal our service doesn’t

By September 15, 2016April 27th, 2017Uncategorized

securi-charges-monthly-for-malware-removalSecuri and many of the other malware removal companies charge a monthly rate to remove the malware and protect your website. You don’t have to pay monthly to have the malware removed from your website honestly. We also will harden your site to protect it from future hacks. Thats right! You do have the responsibility of keeping your website updated. That includes all plugins, themes, and WordPress versions and we offer a monthly service to do that for our clients if needed. That is something anyone can do after you have been hardened!

You can click here to see our packages! Also you can click here to see our testimonials!

You have to remember when you initially installed WordPress you are secure. You didn’t worry about getting hacked. The reason you got hacked is because you let your site become outdated or vulnerable. Also weak passwords can account for many hacks as well. Most of the hackers out there just copy tutorials from Youtube and many of these attacks follow similar patterns. So it only makes sense that if you go back to a secure state your website will be safe. As long as you keep it updated. I have proved this over and over for my clients. Clean the website and harden the server and you are safe. You have to remember to keep your site updated. It is very easy to forget then after a few months you are very vulnerable.

If you need help with your hacked website click here to see our packages or if you would like to contact us click here to visit the contact us page!